What Is Linux Shell?
An interface to interact with the Linux OS. A CLI interface that takes in inputs to produce outputs.
Some Common Commands And What They Do:
echo Hello
returns Hello
echo -n hello
-n removes the new line created after returning hello
how long system has been running after reboot
cd My_Directory
Navigates to / changes to the directory mentioned which in this case is My_Directory
Returns/shows the directory we’re currently in
mkdir new_directory
Creates a new directory. In this case, it created a new directory named – new_directory
mkdir -p hello/this/is/new_directory
This created subdirectories or in other language, all directories at once specified provided they don’t exist.
-p option helps with that.
cd .. OR cd
changes directory to home directory no matter where we currently are
Command Types In Linux
Internal: echo, cd, pwd, set
External: mv, date, uptime, cp
Use the type command to see if the command is internal or external.
Absolute & Relative Path In Linux
An absolute path is specified the location by displaying all the directories that lead to the directory we want to navigate to. Starting from the root directory.
The root directory can be denoted by a slash /
Here we want to navigate to an example:
cd hello/this/is/an/example
We can write the same thing above as
cd example (this is called relative path)
Pushd & Popd Commands
pushd commands remembers/saves the current directory (pwd) and then changes to the directory specified in the command.
when you want to return to the ORIGIN directory, use popd command and you’re back to the last directory you used pushd on. Doesn’t matter how many directories you navigated to post the pushd command.
Mv Commands
```is for move.
mv /home/source_directory /home/filler/destination_directory
here /home/source_directory is the source directory which we want to move
/home/filler/destination_directory is the directory where we want to move
mv source_directory destination_directory
Make sure you’re in the main/home directory and then you can exclude writing that.
**Using MV For Renaming
The files/directory should be in the same directory
mv xbox/games/farcri xbox/games/farcry
## Copying Files In Linux
We use the cp command.
cp xbox/games/farcry/cheats.txt xbox/games/GTA
here, xbox/games/farcry/cheats.txt is the source and cheats.txt is the file we want to move to the directory GTA
## Removing Files In Linux
We use the rm command.
rm xbox/games/farcy/cheats.txt
## Copying/Removing Directories In Linux
We always have to use the -r option along with the commands we usually use for Files.
R in -r means recursive operation.
rm -r xbox/games/farcry
## Reading The Content Of A File In Linux
We use the cat command
cat xbox/games/farcy/cheats.txt
## Changing The Content Of A File In Linux
Use cat >
Here, > means redirection.
cat > xbox/games/farcy/cheats.txt
*Now you’ll type whatever you want and then press CONTROL + D to save it.
## Creating A New File In Linux
Use the command touch for this.
touch xbox/games/halo/cheats.txt ```
This will create an empty file.
More And Less Command In Linux
More command helps view large files by displaying one page at a time in a scrollable format.
Less command displays lesser files hence making it easier to read the deets of a file.
Space key: scrolls 1 screen worth data at one time
Enter key: scrolls one line at a time
b key: scrolls backwards, 1 screen worth data at a time
/ key: search for something in the file
up arrow key: scrolls up one line at a time
down arrow key: scrolls down one line at a time
/ key: search for something in the file, for example, text
LS (Long List)
ls lists all content in a directory
ls whatever_directory
ls -l provides even more details. provides details like access modes, ownership, last accessed time
ls -l whatever_directory
check hidden files with ls -a command.
you will notice two files represented by . and ..
. means current working directory
.. means directory in the file system which is before current directory
List all files on the order they were modified
ls – lt (newest to oldest)
ls -ltr (oldest to newest)
Getting Help From Command Line Itself
whatis xyz
whatis command gives a brief description of what a command does
Use -h or –help option
Displays options and usecases of command
apropos xyz
apropos command searches for a keyword in system
Shell Types In Linux
- Bourne Shell (sh)
- C Shell (csh / tcsh)
- Korn Shell (ksh)
- Z Shell (zsh)
- Bourne Again Shell (bash)