What Is DevOps?

What Is DevOps?

DevOps is a framework that promotes the efficient and timely delivery of software updates and new features to end users. DevOps is an approach that promotes better coordination and cooperation between the teams responsible for creating and maintaining an organization’s applications and the people who are in charge of the business’s information technology infrastructure and infrastructure management.

From the initial software planning to the coding, building, testing, and releasing phases, and finally to the deployment, operations, and monitoring phases, this closer relationship between “Dev” and “Ops” permeates every stage of the DevOps lifecycle. This partnership drives an ever-widening cycle of customer-driven iteration on product design, development, testing, and rollout. One outcome of these efforts may be the more frequent rollout of updates that improve or add features.

A number of people classify DevOps objectives into four buckets: culture, automation, measurement, and sharing (CAMS), all of which can benefit from the use of DevOps tools. By automating tedious, manual, or static tasks related to integration, development, testing, deployment, and monitoring, these tools can make development and operations workflows more efficient and collaborative.

Why is DevOps important?

DevOps prioritizes customer satisfaction and the timely delivery of value in addition to removing obstacles to better communication and collaboration between the development and IT operations teams. Business innovation and the pursuit of continuous process improvement are two additional goals that DevOps is built to support.

DevOps is a methodology that promotes the efficient and safe delivery of business value to customers. This benefit could come in the form of more regular product updates, new features, or new releases. It can refer to the rate at which a product or feature is made available to consumers, provided that it is of sufficient quality and safety. As an alternative, it could highlight the time it takes to track down a problem, fix it, and re-release the product.

DevOps relies on the underlying infrastructure to ensure the software is consistently reliable, available, and performant from development through testing and into production.

Different Types Of DevOps Practices

  • Continuous integration
  • Collaboration and communication
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Microservices
  • Infrastructure as Code
  • Monitoring and Logging
  • Communication and Collaboration

Let’s talk about everything now

Continuous Integration

As part of the software development process known as “continuous integration,” code changes are merged into a single repository on a regular basis, and then automated builds and tests are executed. The main objectives of continuous integration are to speed up the process of finding and fixing bugs, to boost the quality of the software, and shorten the time required to validate and release updates.

Continuous Delivery

In the software development methodology known as “continuous delivery,” any modifications to the source code are automatically built, tested, and ready for deployment to live servers. It goes beyond continuous integration by releasing all modified code to a testing environment and/or a production environment after the build phase. The goal of continuous delivery is to ensure that developers always have access to a build artifact that is ready for deployment after having been subjected to quality assurance testing.


A design strategy known as microservices architecture entails constructing a single application out of a collection of smaller services. Independent processes, or services, communicate with one another via a lightweight mechanism, such as an HTTP application programming interface (API). Microservice microservices are designed to support specific business functions, with a narrow focus for each individual service. Microservices can be written in a variety of programming languages and frameworks and deployed singly or in groups.

Computing System Infrastructure As Code

Coding Infrastructure Infrastructure as code refers to the process of provisioning and managing infrastructure through the use of code and software development practices like version control and continuous integration. Instead of manually setting up and configuring resources, the cloud’s API-driven model allows developers and system administrators to interact with infrastructure programmatically, and at scale. Engineers can now interact with infrastructure using code-based tools and view it in the same infrastructure they do application code. Infrastructure and servers can be rapidly deployed using standardized patterns, updated with the newest patches and versions, or duplicated in reproducible ways because they are defined by code.

Managed Configuration Code is used to automate the configuration and operation of hosts and operating systems by developers and system administrators. Using code simplifies and standardizes the process of making configuration changes. Automation removes the need for programmers and system administrators to manually set up servers, operating systems, and applications.

Policy As Code By standardizing their infrastructure and setting parameters in the cloud, businesses can monitor and enforce compliance in real time and at massive scale. Code-described infrastructure can be automatically monitored, verified, and adjusted. Organizations will find it simpler to centrally govern resource changes and guarantee the distributed enforcement of security measures thanks to this (e.g. information security or compliance with PCI-DSS or HIPAA). Since non-compliant resources can be automatically flagged for further investigation or even automatically brought back into compliance, this allows teams within an organization to move with greater velocity.

Monitoring And Logging

Metrics and logs are watched by businesses to determine how the functioning of their product’s infrastructure and applications affects the end user’s experience. Organizations can gain insight into the causes of issues or unexpected changes by collecting, organizing, and analyzing data and logs generated by applications and infrastructure to learn how changes or updates affect users. As the need for continuous service availability grows, as does the frequency with which applications and infrastructure must be updated, active monitoring takes on greater significance. Organizations can be more proactive in their service monitoring if they set up alerts or analyze this data in real time.

Collaboration And Communication

One of the most important cultural aspects of DevOps is increased communication and collaboration between team members. By bringing together the workflows and responsibilities of development and operations, collaboration is established through the use of DevOps tooling and automation of the software delivery process. These teams then build upon this foundation by instituting rigorous norms for the sharing of information and the facilitation of communication via tools such as wikis, issue or project tracking systems, and chat applications. This facilitates faster communication between the development and operations teams, as well as other departments like marketing and sales, resulting in better project and goal alignment across the organization.

DISCLAIMER: These are my learnings and in no way do I claim that 100% of the content is original. I do use plenty of other sites to study before I write any blog post. It’s almost similar to sharing what I learned from XYZ blog posts. If you feel that I have copied a major part of your content and you need to get it removed/need to get credits, feel free to reach out. Always ready to do that.